Your Life Designer ~ Brings coaching, programs and events to help overwhelmed Women create their life on purpose and with intention

Human Design Packages

What if there was a simple, effective way to discover who you are,

unveiling the most ideal version of yourSelf?

Wouldn’t it be great to see your full potential and how to reach it?

If you had a personalized guide to life based on your unique genetic design,

can you imagine how clear and confident you could feel?

For the woman who has caught glimpses on her intuition and is ready to feel an immense sense of relief, realizing she has been guided all along, Life Design Sessions are the relief, clarity and self trust map she has been looking for.

You’ve had a feeling you are meant for more. You only ignored or dismissed it because of life’s conditioning and confusing messages about who you “should be.”  Now, you get to know with certainty that you can trust yourself rather than giving your power away to circumstance or people. You get to take practical steps needed to re-pattern yourself and begin to live in alignment with your true purpose and potential.

Life Design Sessions

Life Design Sessions involve looking at your unique Human Design, which comes in the form of a chart.  Each person’s chart is made up of rich, intricate data revealing all of the possibilities we can experience in this lifetime, from our personal potential, to how we are to relate to others and how we belong to the greater human collective. Your Human Design is the blueprint for your life, giving you the know-how to navigate your entire life.

I have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars studying, learning, living and training in Human Design. I have invested my time and resources into having Human Design Readings, but found myself overwhelmed and frustrated, because I felt the pressure of being in my Design. After all, someone told me I was born this way so what was wrong with me?

Nothing. NOTHING is wrong with us. Up to this point, we have had life experiences and learned conditions that have created this gap between what our life looks like today and what our life experience can look like. Our Life Design is proof that shifts in life are possible and that the ideal version of ourselves is within reach.

In our Life Design Sessions we’ll work together to uncover who you are, how you are meant to live and how to close the gap in the areas of your Design where you are feeling drained, strained or overwhelmed. By doing so, you will experience clarity, relief and confidence to make decisions and live your life effectively and according to your full potential.

Introductory Session

In this one-hour session you will:

  1. Receive an overview of your Life Design and the ideal version of yourself;
  2. Learn the components of your Blueprint where your energy and resources are best served;
  3. Discover the common tendencies and patterns that are holding you back;
  4. Know how to decondition those unhelpful patterns to start living more efficiently and authentically;
  5. Get the Session recording to refer and refresh as many times as you need.

**Bonus: Receive 2 practical and personalized self-care strategies that will help you integrate your Design into your life.

Register Here for Single Session

Package #1

The Real Me

You’ve had an overview and you’ve started to integrate what your newfound discoveries.  Now we take a deeper dive into your design.

In 3x one-hour sessions you will:

  1. Receive a short questionnaire to prioritize our work together
  2. Receive your personalized playbook for life in bite-sized pieces for easy implementation and integration;
  3. Unveil why there are patterns and feelings of imbalance present in your life;
  4. Gain the confidence to recognize themes and patterns on your own and how to recondition yourself
  5. Learn how to close the gap between where you are today and your true potential;
  6. Personalized self-care strategies for each component of your design
  7. 3-week Voxer access to support you in the integration process

** BONUS: Receive a Self-Care menu.  It saves you time by giving you additional self-care options no matter how much time you have in your schedule.  The thinking has been done for you and the options are designed with practicality in mind.

Register Here for The Real Me Package

Package #2


You’ve unveiled who you are. You’ve started the process of detoxing from conditions that have held you back. Now that you are integrating true-to-you patterns, we can begin to shift the areas of your life that do not feel aligned.  For some women, it is wanting to decide the next step in their career; for others it is a desire to begin trusting their next business decision or even parenting with awareness and intention. 

In 7x one-hour sessions you will everything in The Real Me Package PLUS:

  1. Receive a self-assessment tool to prioritize the area of your life to focus on
  2. Gain a tailored understanding of an area of your life that feels stuck or overwhelming 
  3. Receive tailored strategies to shift patterns and design your life with intention
  4. Learn how to set goals by your specific blueprint along with a template to help you identify your goals in this new way
  5. Receive a meditation to activate the power centre in your Soul Blueprint
  6. 8 weeks of Voxer access

**BONUS: Receive a 7-day Self-Care Menu for simple, quick strategies to practice self-care all week long, no matter how much time you have in your schedule.

Register Here for The YOUniversal Package
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